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I want to know more about it.Program for supporting development of long-term cooperation in research, development, and innovation between the public and private sectors of the Competence Centre.
The largest of the new programs of TA CR is the Competence Centre program, which will support projects lasting up to eight years. This program has been prepared on the basis of the results of analyses focused on the current Czech experience with the programs of a similar nature, as well as similar foreign programs. The program will support establishment and operation of research, development, and innovation in progressive fields. The resulting centre should create conditions for the development of long-term cooperation in research, development, and innovation between the public and private sectors. That is why the project may only be used by consortia of research organizations and enterprises which will be able to co-finance the projects from private sources.
The duration of the program is for the period of 2012-2019, with two public contests announced in 2011 (June 29) and in 2013. Overall, there should be almost 6,3 billion CZK distributed within the program. The first public tender was announced on June 29, 2011. Out of 128 projects proposals received, 22 were selected to receive some support. In 2013 the second public competition of this program will be announced. Program details: Duration 2012-2019 Public competitions in 2011, 2013 and 2015, estimated budget of 8.595 billion CZK. Out of that, 6,297 billion CZK (70%) are expenditures from the state budget. Length of the projects: 4-8 years. Beneficiaries: businesses, research organizations. Maximum extent of the support / project: 70% of the total eligible costs. Expected number of supported centres: 35.
The focus of the Program:
The program is focused on supporting the establishment and activities of research, development, and innovation in progressive fields with high application potential and perspective for significant contributions to the growth of the competitiveness of the Czech Republic;
The founded centres have to create conditions for the development of long-term cooperation in research, development, and innovation between public and private sectors;
Focus on the industry and targets of the Research Centres are set by partners of the centre in the strategic research agenda, which is a key connection link of the cooperating entities and a key precondition for founding and activity of the centre.
Targets of the Program
The main target of the program is to increase competitiveness of the Czech Republic in progressive fields, with high potential for application in innovations;
The program tries to stimulate enterprises and research organizations to establishing strategic partnerships, strengthening interdisciplinary research, development and innovation, and increasing the horizontal mobility of researchers, especially novice researchers.
Types of Results
• patent;
• semi-operation, verified technology;
• results with legal protection - utility model, industrial design;
• Technically applied results - prototype, functional sample;
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